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rules_ll uses code-quality tools for a consistent style across the repository.

Pre-commit hooks

Use the rules_ll development shell to get the various tools you need to work on the project:

(from within the rules_ll root directory)
nix develop .#dev

The flake automatically sets up pre-commit in the shell which run on every local commit. You can also run the hooks manually:

(from within the rules_ll root directory)
nix flake check -L

Building the docs

rules_ll uses mkdocs for the docs. To run a local development server:

(from within the rules_ll root directory)
mkdocs serve

If you change documentation in the ll/ directory, regenerate the API reference docs:

(from within the rules_ll root directory)

This populates the docs/reference/ directory with the updated markdown files.


The examples at rules_ll/examples also act as tests for the project. If you don't use devenv make sure to run the examples from the flake in the examples directory:

(from within the rules_ll/examples directory)
nix develop

Heterogeneous tests fail on machines without the corresponding GPU, but they should still produce executables:

(from within the rules_ll/examples directory)
# Should pass on all machines.
bazel test cpp

# Should pass on machines with supported Nvidia GPUs.
bazel test nvptx

# Should pass on machines with supported AMD GPUs.
bazel test amdgpu

# Even if some of these tests fail, they should all build and run.
bazel test all