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This guide explains how to set up rules_ll. If you just plan on using the rules_cc compatible remote execution setup you still need to follow this guide.

System requirements

rules_ll makes heavy use of upstream dependencies. Staying upstream sometimes means that backwards-incompatible changes make it into rules_ll faster than into other toolchains. Because of this rules_ll won't work on some older systems.


  • An x86_64 processor. You can verify this with uname -a.
  • A Linux kernel with 64-bit support. You can verify this with getconf LONG_BIT.
  • As a rough guideline, at least 10 GB of disk space for fetched dependencies and build artifacts. Using all toolchains, debug and optimization modes might require more than 30 GB of disk space. If the build cache gets too large over time you can reset it using the bazel clean and bazel clean --expunge commands.
  • As a rough guideline, at least 1 GB of Memory per CPU core. The nproc command prints the number of CPU cores available to your environment.
  1. Install the nix package manager and enable flakes.

  2. Create a rules_ll compatible workspace. To keep the development shell in sync with the rules_ll Bazel module, pin the flake to a specific version:

    git init
    nix flake init -t github:eomii/rules_ll/<version>

    The default toolchains include C++ and HIP for AMDGPU. If you want to target NVPTX devices (Nvidia GPUs), make sure to read the CUDA license and set unfree = true in flake.nix.

    See tags to find the most recent version.

  3. Enter a rules_ll development shell:

    nix develop
  4. Consider setting up at least a local remote cache as described in the remote execution guide.

See rules_ll/examples for examples. The Guides explain more advanced features of rules_ll such as Clang-Tidy, C++ modules, and heterogeneous programming.